
23/02/2011 15:50

Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie

Watch this amazing video by Oren Lavie. Fantastic use of photography and bedroom decor and accessories, including sheets and clothes and more. Lovely song, too!


22/02/2011 15:05

My newest invitation designs at Zazzle :)

Howdy folks! Here are a couple of my newest designs on Zazzle. Do you like them?


21/02/2011 20:28

Simple Touches That Transform Your Home

Sometimes, all your home needs is a unique, simple touch in order to make it look new again. Sometimes all you have to do is get that perfect little accessory or a big, old vintage find - and then your room will have a character on its own, without the help of interior designers or a fresh coat of paint.

I found these photos that we can take inspiration from today:

Use vintage metal urns instead of vases for your flowers. (via)

Make a grand entrance by replacing regular doors with sliding barn doors. (via)

Different kinds of hooks add personality and transform your wall into a personal museum. (via)

Put leftover wallpaper to good use by lining up your staircase. (via)

Replace boring frames with vintage jars and bottles. (via)




20/02/2011 22:40

Chalkboard Storage Cabinet

Love this storage cabinet covered with chalkboard paint. You can literally apply your own designs however you want it, then just erase and make a new one when you've had a change of heart. (Via)


19/02/2011 21:59

"Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug, Where everyone kisses, and everyone grins, and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins." - Shel Silverstein

The rising popularity of the modern home also brought more contemporary designs in terms of accessories and decor. I love how these days people are embracing character and personality, and making their homes an extension of who they are. Here are some modern rugs that are creative, colorful and a work of art in themselves:








18/02/2011 20:47

Trendspotting: Maps on Pillows

I've been seeing a lot of maps printed on pillows lately. I want to have one! I think the old-world and vintage feel is such a nice thing to include in your home. Here's a pillow that's perfect for your kid:

If you want something expensive, go for map silk twill pillows like this one:

And these designs from My Bearded Pigeon are simply fantastic!


17/02/2011 15:04

Go Leave 'Em Out to Dry

 Here's a nice way of decorating your wall and displaying a lot of your photos:


Very minimal approach to decorating and cost-effective, as it only involves string, clips and a bit of creativity! You can also change the photos as often as you like, or come up with a theme. An idea is to choose photos with a one common color (i.e. red dresses or red shoes or red couches), and preferebly a color that matches or complements the room. Another idea is to hang seasonal photos, like beach photos during the summer or snowball fights and gifts during the holidays.


16/02/2011 23:00

Go Bold: 5 Awesome Living Rooms

Whatever you do in your decorating philosophy, be brave....never wish you hadn't taken your vision right to the end. Make a bold statement. -- Roger Banks-Pye, Colefax and Fowler Interior Inspirations


I love that statement. Isn't it nice when people in the know continually push us to explore and get inspired by what we love? Here are five awesome living rooms whose owners weren't afraid to make their own:

Complement, but with taste. Replace yellow with gold and you've got a smashing combination. (source)

A great wallpaper print = lots of character. (source)

Yellow, when paired with white and black, will brighten up a room in no time. (source)

Using one solid color speaks of spunk and style!(source)

A simple palette together with the right accessories = dramatic and contemporary. (source)


15/02/2011 22:05

Glam Goth Chandelier Makeover

Amazing how much a little paint can do. This DIY couple updated their lighting fixture by giving it a fresh coat of black paint, which made it look glam and very stylish. Photos via Apartment Therapy.






What a lovely turnout! 


14/02/2011 12:59

Chairs Chairs Chairs

I love chairs. Someday when I have my own house, I will fill every room with different kinds of chairs. Wouldn't that be fantastic? Anyway, here's a video about chairs that I found today. It's about the knoll generation chair and a number of its features. Lovely!



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