Something different: iphone cases :)
21/04/2011 16:52Hey Folks, I have decided to make a foray into making some of the other products offered on Zazzle. I'm thinking that people like/have iPhones, so I've chosen iPhone cases as my first new product. At first I couldn't choose between the iPhone 3gs and iPhone 4 cases, but now I'm pretty sure that I made the right decision since most people with Verizon are now switching over to iPhones, too. That's what I did :) Anyway, take a look at my first design and let me know what you think:
So, what do ya think? I feel like I'm up a creek in terms of designing. Like I have no idea what other people want to put on their phones so I made something pretty general, but I still have hope that it will sell. I mean, what girl doesn't like flowers? Anyway, back to Photoshop I go.